Hi, I’m Trish! I’m a California based surgical ICU nurse and creative. I love to mix my two passions through storytelling in photos and empowering through education. I hope to inspire women to feel confident in their professional roles and empowered in balancing their wellbeing ✨
A: It’s been three years since I started working!
Q: What specialty do you currently work in?
A: I work in a surgical ICU! I deal with a lot of transplants as well.
Q: What do you think are the most challenging aspects of meeting patients' needs?
A: Balancing what they need from a clinical perspective and the patient wants (being their advocate yet knowing when to put your foot down)
Q: What would you say the most important qualities of a nurse are?
A: 1. Empathetic
2. Patient
3. Eager to learnQ: How did you end up choosing to work in the ICU?
A: When I was in the 8th grade, my grandpa got really sick and ended up in the ICU. When I went to visit him, I was scared. I didn’t quite know if he was breathing on his own or if the ventilators were doing all the work. It was scary seeing him hooked up to all the different machines. I want family members to not feel that way. I want them to feel empowered and so I went into ICU with the plan to educate families and keep them in the loop so they can make informed decisions or just feel even the slightest bit better being in the know.
Q: Do you have any time management/studying tips?
A: Block your time out and be discipled about it! (Yes, this even means bathroom breaks) Continue to show up for yourself even when you don't feel like you got it down pat. If something isn’t working, try to change the angle: study outside if you really can’t study indoors anymore. Take a 5 min break.
Q: What were some things you wish before entering nursing school?
A: It’s okay to not know everything. If you don’t know ask. If you want to be involved and a part of something ask. Some doors won’t open unless you seek out the opportunities!
Q: What was your favorite part of UCLA nursing school?
A: My friends! They made nursing school worthwhile. Honorable mention would be being in LA and getting both the big college feel with the small cozy nursing school program where everyone knew each other. In my program there were only 50 in a graduating class!
Thank you so much Tricia for your wonderful responses! Follow Tricia on her Instagram @triciaysabelle and subscribe to her YouTube Channel (TriciaYsabelle) for weekly videos about nursing, fitness, and everything in between!
Laurel and Veronica